Mes: febrero 2024
repost de @cobreart – Long time no letters ️. Modelpastel esquinero. #modelpastel#modelpastel3d#modelpastelgraffiti#model#pastel#letters#graffitiletters#graffiti#graff#streetart#anamorphic#anamorphic3d#anamorphicstreetart#mural#muralanamorficanamorfico#cobre#cobregraff#niñodecobre#ndc#cobregraff#santafe#argentina#mtn94 – #artecallejerolatinoamerica
repost de @linknas – La calle del Art-e en La Habana #streetartcuba #streetartchilango #rsa_graffiti #urbanart #urbanwall #urbanstreetart #arteurbano #artecallejero #dsb_graff #graffart #graffite #graffiti #graffity #graffitiwall #grunge_street #graffiticuba #cubart #cubagraffiti #cubastreetart #tv_streetart #streetart_daily #artealmuro #urbanwalls #urbanart #graffiticuba #arte graffiti #be_one_urbanart #intentLA #artecallejerolatinoamerica
repost de @cartoonneros – Thor Johnson-Cinema zombie. #terror #cine #cinemazombie #stencilart #stencil #street #streetart #graffitiart #graffiti #taggstreetart #instagraffiti #cartoonneros #arte #artecallejero #arteurbano #art #artwork #painting #aerosolart #aerosol #spray #calle #paredes #pintar contacto: – #artecallejerolatinoamerica
repost de @rimonguimaraes – Detalhe do processo no primeiro mural aqui em #residenciaitatiaia a convite da @quartoamado @cosmicboysoficial @rimonguimaraes e @zehpalito com a participação especial do @alvvvvim Um prazerão estar aqui ! #culturapopular #pintura #inprogress #streetart #pinturaurbana #arteurbana #artebrasileira #art #arte #artecontemporanea #contemporaryart #colors #cores #pássaro #artistabrasileiro #minasgerais #itatiaia #ourobranco #streetartbrazil – #artecallejerolatinoamerica
repost de @mtnshoprio – @universoacme ! 😎-Montana Shop Rio de JaneiroRua Conde de Bonfim, 346, Galeria Vitrine da Tijuca – loja 106/107- #mtnrio #montanashopriodejaneiro #mtn #grog #graffitishop #graff #graffstore #mtncolors #mtnbrasil #rj #rio #rio40graus #riodejaneiro #graffrioRepost: @universoacme
repost de @graffitis_uruguay – Artista: Terre#graffitiworld #aerosoles #caps #spraycans #paint #colors #beautiful #graffitiwall #streetart #streetartists #uruguay #graffitiporn #graffitilife #uruguayart #streetstyle #sprayart #drawing #lovepic #pic #montevideo #loveart #talents #arteurbano #graffitiuruguay #urban #graffiti #RSA_Graffiti #wallporn #artecallejerolatinoamerica
repost de – NUCLE.#SanTelmo / #BuenosAires / #Argentina….🌐#Graffiti #GraffitiArgentina #GraffitiSudamérica #StreetArt #StreetArtArgentina #StreetArtSudamérica #ArteUrbano #ArteUrbanoArgentina #ArteUrbanoSudamérica #ArteCallejero #ArteCallejeroArgentina #ArteCallejeroSudamérica #lascallessonnuestras #Urban #UrbanArt #UrbanWalls #StreetArt #StreetArtEverywhere #Mural #Instagraff #photo #foto #Style #GraffitiSurClub #GSC #GSCLatinoamérica #GSCSudamérica #GSCArgentina
repost de @stinkfishstink – #Repost @xenovert with @repostapp・・・As soon as I saw this mural yesterday, I had to take a photo of it. Such a haunting image. With the help of my beautiful friend I composed this shot to contrast two worlds.It became clear to me tonight why I took this photo.Please take a look…
repost de @gilberto106 – @annevalone en el centro histórico @mixercreativo #mixercreativo #Mexico #muralistaurbano #mural #arteurbanomx #artporn #arteurbano #artecallejero #streetart #stencilart #streetartistry #streetartmexico #streetartchilango #streetphotography #streetarteverywhere #igers #igerschilangos #urbanart #urbanwalls #CDMX #artepúblico #wallporn #sprayart #streetartmx #arteenlascalles #arteenmuros #murostreetart #artistaurbano #streetartloversmx #artecallejerolatinoamerica